Science and Technology Policy

Science and Technology Policy

Science and Technology Policy provides assessments of issues, existing and proposed policies, and processes used to formulate and implement policies and will provide evaluations of how policies are being implemented and administered.

  • The Foundation has conducted analysis as a subcontractor to NASA on the feasibility of alternative financing mechanisms for large, new wind tunnel testing facilities.

  • The Foundation prepared a policy analysis paper for the former Congressional Office of Technology Assessment on the Federal role in agriculture research and development.

  • Principals of the Foundation have served on various study panels of the National Academy of Sciences, including “A Biological Survey for the Nation”; “Strategies that Influence Cost Containment in Animal Research Facilities”; “Cooperative Stewardship” of DOE Multidisciplinary Research User Facilities; and “Burning Plasma” Magnetic Fusion Energy Project; and “Elementary Particle Physics 2010”.

  • The Foundation provided strategic advice on the development of program performance measures for the Department of Energy Office of Industrial Technologies R&D Program.