Executive Training and Development

Executive Training and Development

Executive Training and Development provides training for Federal and private-sector managers. Previous training programs have included the following:

  • Federal Budgetary Policy and Processes: An intensive, ten-day seminar conducted under contract to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to provide Federal officials from all parts of the Executive Branch with training in the Federal Budget process.

    • The seminar includes a two day simulation that presents participants with an example of the number and scope of decisions that policy officials must make in developing and defending the budget. The issue to be resolved in the case requires both Departments of Defense and Interior role players to negotiate and develop budgets that will be passed forward for resolution in the White House. It ends with a mock full session of the House of Representatives by voting on a Bill.

  •  Federal Regulatory Policy Seminar: A week-long, in-depth executive training program for OPM. This seminar provides a framework for understanding the political, scientific, social, and economic issues that shape regulatory development. Sessions include an examination of the rulemaking process, including executive branch efforts at regulatory reform, the conduct of regulatory analysis, including cost/benefit tests; and the Executive Order 12866, “Regulatory Planning and Review” process. The seminar features presentations by current executive branch officials, former Government executives, business leaders, and representatives from the academic community with an extensive working knowledge of regulatory development and review.

  • Government Writing Seminar: The Foundation provides a four day training session on writing for government managers. The seminar covers different styles of writing including policy papers, issue papers and decision memoranda, regulations and guidance documents and congressional communications.

  • Government Ethics Seminar: The Foundation provides three day seminars on government ethics, based on the Foundation-authored book “Understanding the Ethics Policy of the U.S. Government”. The seminar covers a wide range of topics including agency ethics policies, financial disclosure and whistleblower activities, as well as private sector ethics practices under Sarbones/Oxley and Campaign Finance Reform.

  • Private Sector Executive Training: The Foundation has provided short (1/2 – 1 day) seminar programs on the federal budget process for individual Fortune 500 companies, including FMC Corporation, the Dow Chemical Corporation and Siemens Corporation. The Foundation also has provided seminars for industry and professional associations, including the Nuclear Energy Institute, the American Society of Association Executives and the Congressional Quarterly.

  • Lectures on National Policy Issues: Senior principals of the Foundation have participated as expert lecturers in various OPM executive training programs in environmental policy, national energy policy and national security policy.